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Fixed matches prediction Verona have lost 9 matches in a row and are in last place in Serie A. Under Bocchetti - 5 defeats

Verona have lost 9 matches prediction by soccer livescore in a row and are in last place in Serie A.

In the 14th round, the team of coach Salvatore Bocchetti lost at home to Juventus (0:1).

The ex-defender of Spartak was the head coach of Verona on October 13, and a week later he had a contract with him.

Under him, the team suffered 5 defeats. The Verona side have only 5 points in 14 games.

Verona have lost 9 matches in a row and are in last place in Serie A. Under Bocchetti - 5 defeats Fixed matches prediction - more details and information: Fixed matches prediction